[Distutils] swig 1.3.x

A.M. Kuchling amk@amk.ca
Mon Dec 30 19:23:33 2002

On Mon, Dec 30, 2002 at 12:56:20PM -0800, Keith Jackson wrote:
>What are folks feelings about supporting recent versions of swig in 
>distutils? I'd be willing to do the changes to get this working again, 
>but only if people are interested. Right now I just use my own run_swig 
>method, but I'd rather have this work as a core part of distutils.

Go for it!  2.3alpha1 is due tomorrow so you won't be able to be
finished in time, but there will almost certainly be a 2.3alpha2.

--amk                                                             (www.amk.ca)
ROMEO: He jests at scars that never felt a wound.
      -- _Romeo and Juliet_, II, ii