[Distutils] distutils in Mandrake 8.2

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore@atosorigin.com
Wed Apr 10 06:14:01 2002

From: Marko Samastur [mailto:markos@elite.org]
> > Why .pth files ? Why not simply *copy* the code to site-packages ?
> Mainly, but not only,  because of estetic reasons.  My 
> project already has 26 .py files and this number will only rise.
> Dumping them all in one directory (and other authors doing 
> the same), would just make that directory look like a trashcan
> and could also result in filename conflicts (which can be
> otherwise avoided if certain modules in subdirectories are
> never directly imported).

So why not make your stuff a proper package? That's the correct way of
handling this. If you don't want your users to have to cope with multi-level
names, you can always do some magic in __init__.py. But frankly, multi-level
names shouldn't be seen as a problem to be overcome - they are a
*convenience* to avoid name clashes, and should be used for that purpose.
