[Distutils] Header installation

Jack Jansen jack@oratrix.nl
Fri Mar 30 04:38:27 2001

> You just have to give up in order to realize that this can be done
> rather easily:
>   from distutils.command.install_headers import install_headers
>   class modified_install_headers(install_headers):
>       def finalize_options(self):
> 	  install_headers.finalize_options(self)
> 	  self.install_dir = \
> 		  os.path.join(os.path.split(self.install_dir)[0],
>                                'Scientific')
>   setup( ... , cmdclass = {'install_headers': modified_install_headers})

Ah, brilliant!

This is the sort of thing that should go into the documentation. Seeing one 
example of this overriding will help the intelligent reader a lot with 
distutils customization.
Jack Jansen             | ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++
Jack.Jansen@oratrix.com | ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++
www.oratrix.nl/~jack    | see http://www.xs4all.nl/~tank/spg-l/sigaction.htm