[Distutils] Peer Review

Pete Shinners pete@visionart.com
Thu Mar 22 12:55:13 2001

Hello distutils. I'm excited about the recent developments
going on with distutils, but I'm becoming concerned that my
own package using distutils will not work at all with the
new features.

Currently it compiles and installs my modules quite well, but
I am completely unable to use any of the 'dist' commands,
since it doesn't get nearly enough of my files.

I'd like to ask for a little peer review of the 'setup.py'
for my project. I've had to "hack" together quite a few
things to make them work as best i saw fit.

The project also has a 'config.py' script which makes a
semi-reasonable attempt to find all the dependency 
libraries/headers and create the "Setup" file.

Anyways, like i mentioned, things are working fine enough
for now, but i have serious concerns about my usage of
distutils. I would be very greatful for those of you who
know your way around distutils to look things over.

For now i'm also completely ignoring my documentation
and examples in distutils. I just package them in with
my projects by hand.

Ok, the project is "pygame", and it is a python wrapper for
SDL and several other of its multimedia daughter libraries.

The project is here, http://pygame.seul.org/
but you can download the source and examine my "setup.py"
and build instructions from here

Thanks a lot for those of you who can do this. The project
is right around the corner from a 1.0 release, and I'd like
to make sure my distutils installing is in as good as shape
as it can be.