[Distutils] New draft of PEP, and list of licenses

Andrew Kuchling akuchlin@mems-exchange.org
Thu Mar 15 13:20:02 2001

I've updated the text of PEP 241:

The changes are:
Rename METADATA file to PKG-INFO
Specify RFC-822 as the format
Add Metadata-Version field (must be 1.0)
Rename Description->Summary, Long-Description->Description
Remove some XXXs for keywords and author data.
Slightly reword the text about using the e-mail address as a key
Fix incorrect example for author-email
Add list of licenses

Here's the initial list of licenses; additions/deletions?

         Artistic, BSD, GPL, LGPL, "MIT/X11", MPL, "public domain",
         Python, QPL, ZPL, other
