[Distutils] Re: PEP 241 draft

Carey Evans c.evans@clear.net.nz
Wed Mar 14 04:45:02 2001

Andrew Kuchling <akuchlin@mems-exchange.org> writes:


>     Author-email
>       A string containing the author's e-mail address.  It can contain
>       a name and e-mail address in the legal forms for a RFC-822
>       'From:' header ("name <email>" or "email (name)").

The IETF DRUMS working group's drafts deprecate the latter format,
saying that the "name <email>" form _should_ be used.  This would
probably be a good idea for the metadata.



>       Example: 'C. Schultz <cschultz@example.com>'

Strictly speaking, this isn't a valid RFC 822 address - the name in
that form of address is supposed to be a sequence of <word>s, which
doesn't include ".".  In practice everything accepts it, but it should
be written:

    "C. Schultz" <cschultz@example.com>

	 Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

	    "Quiet, you'll miss the humorous conclusion."