[Distutils] [PATCH] Write distribution meta-data an XML file

Andrew Kuchling akuchlin@mems-exchange.org
Sat Mar 10 16:37:00 2001

On Sat, Mar 10, 2001 at 11:55:37AM -0500, Amos Latteier wrote:
>To repeat, though, I think the only important decision is
>whether or not to change the distutils meta-data schema.
>From your suggested list of DTDs I gather that you are
>considering changing the meta-data schema. That's fine, but
>if we decide to do that I'd like to know why.

I don't think anything will change very seriously; most likely it's
just a matter of adding a few fields and clarifying their semantics.

Looking at PPD again, the only reason the tree-structure capabilities
of XML are needed at all is because there can be multiple
IMPLEMENTATION elements.  It's not clear to me how useful this is, and
if it's dropped, then RFC-822 headers can be used instead of XML.
