[Distutils] Distutils patches for Python OS/2 port

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake@acm.org
Wed Jun 20 00:07:00 2001

Andrew MacIntyre writes:
 > Once Python 2.1.1 is released, and I've updated the OS/2+EMX port, I 
 > plan to submit the diffs for the port to the Python patch manager.

  Why wait?

 > I'd appreciate advice on whether to include the DistUtils patches as 
 > part of a complete Python port patch, or submit them separately.  If 
 > the latter, pointers on submission also appreciated.

  It's probably best to submit this as a separate patch.  Distutils
has a separate patch category on the SourceForge patch manager, and it
will probably be reviewed by a different person.  Keeping each
individual patch small actually makes it easier to review and
incorporate patches.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Digital Creations