[Distutils] bdist_innoinst ?!

Robin Dunn robin@alldunn.com
Wed Jul 25 22:46:00 2001

> I hit a brick wall with Inno when it came to distributing the MSVC
> and with writing to HKLM *or* HKCU (depending on the combo of whether the
> user needs admin privs to write to HKLM and whether the user *has* admin
> privs).  Inno doesn't appear up to these tasks:  it has no way to query
> whether the user is an admin, and no conditionals even if it did.

You can get conditionals and other scripting capabilites with the InnoSetup
Extensions available at http://www.wintax.nl/isx/.  I use it a tiny bit in
the wxPython installer, but I've heard that it can do a whole lot more.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin@AllDunn.com       Java give you jitters?
http://wxPython.org      Relax with wxPython!