[Distutils] docs/examples for building windows modules (dll's) from c++. distutils ???

kleistereimer@gmx.de kleistereimer@gmx.de
Mon Feb 19 13:17:01 2001


i'm a c++ professional, but i have converted to python now. (wx..)
my 2 problems are: 

1. i have lot's of hardware-dependend c++ classes, i need to extend
   python with.
2. i need to make a (binary) installer for linux and windows.
   (at best not releasing the sources, and including a python interpreter
   already. (i can do this with a modified py2exe already))

I suppose the distutils will (at least) help with both (?) problems.
(i like my software to be standart-conform)

there are examples and docs to extend python with c-code,
but not for c++ classes.
so how to wrap c++ code to make it callable from python?
(c++ code means a complete class hierarchy in aprox 30 files
which contains one interface class and one iterator class on top,
which both needs to be accessible from python)

next thing is how to compile the wrapped c++.

i found references to a 'compile.py' which generates vc6 project-files.
but it's not available anymore. (use distutils everyone tells me..)
and i wont use outdated tools..

the documentation of distutils is not very clear.
and the examples-pages are empty.

all i need is a minimal example where a c++ class
is interfaced to python, and compiled to a dll
using bc, or vc.
at best all driven by distutils to make it standart-conform.

distutils seem to encapsulate compilers, so
maybe i'm able to generate the dll using distutils?

or am i completely wrong?
please point me to some information! THANK YOU!!

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