[Distutils] Re: [4suite] Re: Compiling 4Suite 0.10.2beta on Windows

Brad Chapman chapmanb@arches.uga.edu
Sat Feb 17 15:35:01 2001

[Only posted to distutils-sig]

Hi Alexandre;

> So I switched to a Win32 box, and ran bdist_wininst, and it failed too
> because I could non find CL.EXE. What is CL.EXE? I suppose it is a
> compiler, so it is probably the MS compiler from Visual Studio. Can anyone
> confirm this? Is it possible to use mingw's gcc or cygwin's to build
> python extensions on windows?

I also ran into similar problems when I was trying to learn to build
something on Windows, since I normally work on Windows. I don't know
about cygwin or mingw, but I compiled my stuff using Borland's free
compiler. I stuck instructions for how I did this in the Tutorial for
a project that I work on:


Section 1.3.2 has the information I know about compiling it. After
compiling with Borland, then you just need to do the 'python setup.py

Hope this helps,