[Distutils] setup.py clean questions

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@alum.mit.edu
Thu Feb 15 19:00:05 2001

>>>>> "JK" == Jeremy Kloth <jeremy.kloth@fourthought.com> writes:

  JK> Jeremy Hylton wrote:

  >> Late in the process, I decided to read the source and discovered
  >> a --all option to clean.  That indeed got rid of most of the
  >> stuff I was interested in, but spewed even more warnings about
  >> directories that didn't exist.  It did not, however, remove the
  >> 2.0 directories.

  JK> Distutils only knows about the current version of Python that
  JK> you run the setup.py script with.  In the case of
  JK> lib.linux-i686-2.1, it appears you are running Python 2.1, hence
  JK> the -2.1 on the directory.  So, if you want to clean 2.0
  JK> directories, run the setup.py script with Python 2.0.

Perhaps there should be a realclean or distclean that actually removes
all this stuff.  I don't want to run setup.py twice with two different
Python's just to clean up.
