[Distutils] Re: [XML-SIG] Problem installing PyXMLv0.6.6

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake@acm.org
Fri Aug 24 12:34:02 2001

In a message to the XML-SIG,
Thomas Heller writes:
 > From: "G=F6ran Rolfsson" <Goran.Rolfsson@reachin.se>
 > > Hi! I first tried the exe-version ( I have NT), but it wants me to=
 > > the Python installation to use, without showing me any to choose a=
mong, and
 > > without the possibility to specify a path. And yes, I have Python =
 > > on my machine (actually in several versions).
 > G=F6ran,
 > the exe-version is probably built with distutils bdist_wininst comma=
 > This looks in the registry under
 > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Python\PythonCore\x.y\InstallPath
 > to find the location where Pythin is installed. (x.y is the required=

 > version 2.0, 2.1, whatever).
 > This registry key is created by the installer when you install Pytho=
 > itself. If you compiled it from source, it will not be present.

  Would it make sense to enhance the search strategy a bit?  I'll
propose the following strawman:

        1.  Start with what it already does.
        2.  Search the PATH for "python.exe"
        3.  Ask the user to specify exactly where is should go.

  I don't know how much work this would be, but it might help people
that do build from source, or who use an alternate installer that
doesn't upt things in the registry (PythonWare, for instance).


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at acm.org>
PythonLabs at Zope Corporation