[Distutils] Summary of requested features

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore@uk.origin-it.com
Thu Apr 5 11:55:11 2001

From: M.-A. Lemburg [mailto:mal@lemburg.com]
> Just so that we don't forget, here's the start of a feature request
> summary:
> [more features to add here]
> Please complete this list, so that we can add these to the distutils
> TODO (or even better, since more visible, to a distutils feature
> request PEP).

Add into this

* Change default install location for Mac to site-packages
  (to match what site.py in 2.1 does) [I have no personal
  interest in Macs, this just seems sensible]
* Change default install location on Windows to site-packages
  (if my PEP on this subject - unnumbered as yet - gets accepted)
