[Distutils] Summary of requested features

Thomas Heller thomas.heller@ion-tof.com
Thu Apr 5 11:42:01 2001

> Just so that we don't forget, here's the start of a feature request
> summary:
> * binary packages should include the Python version in their
>   filename
> * all distutils packages should include a package release number
>   (like the RPM one) meaning that you can generate new package
>   versions without having to bump the software version number;
>   we could use a new setup() keyword "release" for this  
 * extend the install_* commands so that they write uninstall

 * implement an uninstall command using the information above

 * write a test suite for distutils (I've just read Martin Fowler's
   refactoring book, so I know that tests are needed for refactoring)

 * refactor the build_ext methods, so that they are easier to
   extend (maybe this will also unify the CCompiler classes)

 * fix the *_clib commands

 * implement test command: often requested (but low priority IMO)

and finally:

 * docs, docs, docs (I _will_ completely document the windows
   installer, but nothing more)
