[Distutils] Patch to have distutils generate PYC *and* PYO files

Mark W. Alexander mwa@gate.net
Fri Sep 22 22:50:01 2000

On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> Greg Ward wrote:
> > 
> > Looks like it should work, but I really don't like the idea of spawning
> > an interpreter for *every* *single* *file* we want to compile.  This
> > sounds very expensive.
> It's not as expensive as it sounds... on my machine I can't even
> notice a difference.

I suggest that this is probably a result of the interpreter remaining
in the buffer cache. On some of the newer drives with large on-board
memory caches, you probably wouldn't even see the disk light blink.

All machines not being equal, though, it would be very expensive on
(even slightly) older hardware. If there's another way, it's 
probably better.
