[Distutils] Minor issues

Thomas Heller thomas.heller@ion-tof.com
Fri Sep 15 04:42:01 2000

> >> 3) bdist_wininst does not seem to install data files and scripts.
> >>    If you execute "strings" with the .exe, you will only see Python
> >>    files.
> >See separate post.
> >
> >BTW: On which system did you create the installer?
> Debian Linux 2.2, Python 1.5.2
The problem is that install, which is run inside bdist_wininst,
creates an installation tree in the build directory, and uses the
unix installation scheme for it, while bdist_wininst should force
the NT installation scheme.
On NT, data and scripts are subdirectories of lib, on unix, it is
