[Distutils] some small bugs

Rene Liebscher R.Liebscher@gmx.de
Mon Sep 4 08:48:02 2000

Thomas Heller wrote:
> > > The patch fixes this. It also changes two other problems.
> > > First it raises an PlatformException if you try to use it with
> > > modules which contain compiled C-extensions. Distutils doesn't
> > > support crosscompiling.
> >
> > Ooh, but wouldn't it be cool if I could compile Windows extensions on
> Linux
> > and vice-versa... oh, never mind!
> >
> I remember having heard that it is possible to cross-compile the windows
> version
> of tcl on linux...
> Maybe someone with more experience than me on could find out?
It would be cool, but then you probably need special options for the
compiler or may be a new cross-compiler class. (It would use
different extensions than the standard unix compiler '.dll'<>'.so')
Until someone has a solution for that, we should prevent users
from creating installers that don't work.
(Maybe we need then an option 'target_platform' for build_ext,
this could then also be used to allow creation of the installer.)

Kind regards

Rene Liebscher