[Distutils] bdist_debian

Greg Ward gward@python.net
Sat Sep 2 11:15:01 2000

On 01 September 2000, Harry Henry Gebel said:
> I am switching to Debian on my desktop system, and I was wondering if
> anybody out there is working on bdist_debian? If not I would like to give
> it a try. I will still be running Mandrake on the other computers on my
> network, so I will still be able to work on bdist_rpm as well.

I still have some messages in my inbox from a couple of the
Python/Debian maintainers.  Note there is a mailing list
debian-python@lists.debian.org which would probably be a good
source of wisdom; I thoroughly approve of (and encourage) cross-posting
between debian-python and distutils-sig.

What the hell, I'll go ahead and cross-post this one, so we can find out 
if any of the Debian Python maintainers have done anything more than
make Debian packages of the Distutils.  If nothing else, we might end up 
making their lives a lot easier.


Greg Ward - Unix nerd                                   gward@python.net
There are no stupid questions -- only stupid people.