[Distutils] Distutilizing wxPython

Rene Liebscher R.Liebscher@gmx.de
Mon Oct 16 06:28:01 2000

Thomas Heller wrote:
> > On 09 October 2000, Thomas Heller said:
> > > There should probably be separate flags for the C-compiler
> > > and the resource compiler.
> >
> > Is that really necessary?  Robin's patch seems OK to me, except that it
> > only fixes MSVCCompiler -- presumably the Borland compiler class should
> > get similar treatment.
> >
> > When would you need separate -I and -D options for the resource
> > compiler?
> >
> Maybe it's ok for -I and -D.
> Here is the complete list of options for the resource compiler of MSVC6:
> Usage:  rc [options] .RC input file
> Switches:
>    /r    Emit .RES file (optional)
>    /v    Verbose (print progress messages)
>    /d    Define a symbol
>    /u    Undefine a symbol
>    /fo   Rename .RES file
>    /l    Default language ID in hex
>    /i    Add a path for INCLUDE searches
>    /x    Ignore INCLUDE environment variable
>    /c    Define a code page used by NLS conversion
>    /w    Warn on Invalid codepage in .rc (default is an error)
>    /n    Append null's to all strings in the string tables.
> Flags may be either upper or lower case
Not all compilers have resource compilers which support all these
There are even resource compilers which doesn't support all possible
keywords in rc-files (cygwin's windres.) If you want other people let
build your
packages it would be nice to have a way to support a format which is

The res-file which comes out of the resource compiler, has the same
for all compilers. So why doesn't support res-files as source files?
You only had to compile it on your machine and add it to your sources.
If anyone wants to build your package for himself, he doesn't rely on a 
special (resource) compiler, and you don't have to provide any options
the resource compiler. (If people want to change the rc-files then it is 
their problem to get it compiled, not yours.)

BTW, the 'bcpp', 'cygwin' and 'mingw32' compiler classes do already
res-files as source files. We had only to change the 'msvc' compiler

Kind regards
Rene Liebscher