[Distutils] One last snapshot

Greg Ward gward@python.net
Sun Oct 1 22:32:01 2000

Hi all --

I just finished hacking up the bytecode compilation stuff.  Turns out
that was a lot more fun than working on the test suite.  Anyways, this
is the last non-bug-fix that's going to get into Distutils 1.0, which I
plan on releasing tomorrow (Monday) night.  After that, I won't be
available until Oct 12, so the code I release tomorrow night will almost
certainly be what goes out with Python 2.0

So, obviously, I need all your help to beat up on this code snapshot!
You know the routine by now: please give this snapshot a workout on your
favourite Python module distribution on a variety of platforms.  You can 
download it from the usual place:



Greg Ward                                      gward@python.net