[Distutils] handling complex link/library specifications

Greg Ward gward@python.net
Thu, 25 May 2000 22:07:00 -0400

On 25 May 2000, Andrew MacIntyre said:
> <ever hopeful>
> There wouldn't be a convenient way to override the linker command ("ld -G" on
> Solaris, from the Python Makefile) would there?
> </ever hopeful>

I have taken to editing the Makefile installed by Python because of this
problem.  I also made a patch for the configure script that would fix
this for Python 1.6 (use "$(CC) -g" on Solaris if cc=gcc); the only
feedback I've had is "it can't make things *worse*".  Hardly
encouraging, that.

But no, there's no way to override what's in Python's Makefile:
Distutils takes it at face-value.  This should probably be fixed,
especially now that we have config files (hooray!).

BTW, you mentioned in your followup that you figured out a workaround:
care to share it with the rest of us?

Greg Ward - Linux nerd                                  gward@python.net
Cheops' Law: Nothing *ever* gets built on schedule or within budget.