[Distutils] Python zlib in Debian

Greg Ward gward@python.net
Wed, 5 Jul 2000 23:36:15 -0400

On 05 July 2000, Bastian Kleineidam said:
> I remember the question if zlib is always included in Python
> installations? Well its not in Debian until you install the python-zlib
> package.  So you have to include this package to the requirements for
> Debian Linux.

But zlib is really only needed on Windows, where we create ZIP files
from scratch (ie. using zipfile.py and zlib -- not through spawning an
external zip utility).  On Unix, we generally rely on external utilities 
(zip, gzip, tar, ...) for that sort of thing.

However, having python-zlib installed shouldn't hurt!  ;-)

Greg Ward - geek-at-large                               gward@python.net
God is real, unless declared integer.