[Distutils] Pre-0.1.3 snapshot available

Greg Ward gward@cnri.reston.va.us
Mon, 17 Jan 2000 17:02:29 -0500

Hi all --

I've finally caught up with the last couple weeks' traffic on the sig,
and fixed many of the bugs reported.  There's a new code snapshot


Please give it a whirl, especially if you're using Windows.

This mostly includes Windows portability fixes.  It does *not* include
Finn Bock's fixes for JPython; I haven't had time to look closely at
those.  They might have to wait for version 0.2.

There *might* be a 0.1.3 release before IPC8, but I really should work
on my slides for the conference first... so please give this snapshot a
try.  Just download it and run the setup script as usual -- the main
difference between the snapshot and a real release is no doc updates
(hence README, USAGE, and CHANGES are not included in the snapshot).

Greg Ward - software developer                    gward@cnri.reston.va.us
Corporation for National Research Initiatives    
1895 Preston White Drive                           voice: +1-703-620-8990
Reston, Virginia, USA  20191-5434                    fax: +1-703-620-0913