[Distutils] bdist_rpm

Greg Ward gward@ase.com
Wed, 26 Apr 2000 21:11:43 -0400

On 25 April 2000, Mark W. Alexander said:
> Since bdist_rpm implies RPM-only, how about using the 
> default architecture from the rpmrc file?

'Cause I totally forgot about the rpmrc file, of course!  Hmmm... I
don't see anything in my /etc/rpmrc which would set the architecture
string, though.  Does RPM just figure it out for the current platform?

Also, is there any sort of standard emerging for better platform strings
in RPM filenames?  "foo-1.3.4-1.i386.rpm" doesn't really cut it if you
want to live in a world where Solaris, Linux, and *BSD all use RPMs.
(Yes yes, I know they *don't*, but it's a nice idea...)


PS. as I mentioned earlier, the "noarch" distinction is easily handled:
"if not self.distribution.has_ext_modules()" somewhere in the bdist_rpm

Greg Ward - Linux geek                                  gward@python.net
We have always been at war with Oceania.