[Distutils] Disposition of C extensions and packages

Michel Sanner sanner@scripps.edu
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 14:19:50 -0800

On Dec 20,  4:49pm, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I claim that it *is* an issue of disk space.  Having the installation
> of a particular package spread out over two places is inconvenient
> from a management point of view, and sharing one of those places
> between different installations (for different platforms) of the same
> package just makes it a lot worse.
What management are you talking about here ?? It seems to me that duplicate
copies of identical files (one copy per platform) is inconvenient (at least for
my perspective).

Moreover, why provide an prefix and an exec_prefix if we are going to put
everything into the same tree anyway ??




>>>>>>>>>> AREA CODE CHANGE <<<<<<<<< we are now 858 !!!!!!!

Michel F. Sanner Ph.D.                   The Scripps Research Institute
Assistant Professor			Department of Molecular Biology
					  10550 North Torrey Pines Road
Tel. (858) 784-2341				     La Jolla, CA 92037
Fax. (858) 784-2860
sanner@scripps.edu                        http://www.scripps.edu/sanner