[Distutils] Questions about distutils strategy

James C. Ahlstrom jim@interet.com
Wed, 08 Dec 1999 09:54:49 -0500

Mark Hammond wrote:
> Just to echo the rest of the articles in this thread:

Just to echo your echo...

> * If someone uses DevStudio to build their apps, it is likely they are
> targetting Windows only, so distutils is unlikely to offer great
> advantages.


> * If per chance they _are_ also targetting Unix, then they must also
> be maintaining seperate Unix build scripts - still no loss here - move
> the Unix stuff to distutils and either leave DevStudio alone, or move
> to make based builds in Windows too.  Still the users choice, and
> nothing to lose from what they currently do - only possibly things to
> gain if they go that route.

> In a nutshell, I cant see _any_ good reasons to offer DevStudio
> support to distutils.

I guess you mean no reason for DevStudio support, but DistUtils
still needs Windows compiler (command line) support.

Then I agree with this last point.  I don't see DistUtils being
used except in cases where a Windows and Unix build is required.
But that does happen.  With wxWindows it happens Big Time.  There
is still an advantage to coding in DevStudio, makeing the DistUtils
files, and pushing the DistUtils button to build multiple versions.
