[DCPIGgies] ok piggies...

Jonah Crawford jonah at newuses4.info
Tue Mar 1 20:12:14 CET 2005

We are hiring. 'We' as in newuses4.info, a small python software 
provider operating in the DC area. No we don't have a website, however, 
we are presently working developing scientific applications, GPS 
mapping, IVR, and collaborative portals in Zope and Plone. Beyond 
having a foot in the door on some exciting larger projects we are 
developing a new set of products using tool-chains designed for rapid 
application development in PythonCard and Plone. To free up our lead 
developer we need to place several individuals on contracts for roughly 
20 hours a week - the other 15 hours we would expect to be spent 
developing our product line. So, if you can program your way out of a 
paper bag using python, and are comfortable enough at the command line 
to handle standard sysadmin tasks, then please send me info about 
yourself. Keep in mind we are a startup, so naturally the more you 
perform - the more this job will work for you.

Hope to hear from any and all,



Jonah Crawford
jonah at newuses4.info

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