[DB-SIG] DB-API 2.0 Update: Replacing StandardError with Exception

Marc-Andre Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Fri Sep 2 10:28:33 EDT 2022

Hi all,

an issue was pointed out at:


with the PEP 249 - Python Database API 2.0. At the time we were creating
the standard in 1999, the default base class for errors was the
StandardError exception class.

In Python 3, StandardError was removed, since all exception class trees
are now rooted directly at the Exception class.

The standard migration path is to simply replace StandardError with
Exception when moving to Python 3.

It's interesting that no one noticed until recently, that the DB-API 2.0
was still using StandardError.

I have now fixed the text and replaced StandardError with Exception
and also included a footnote explaining the change.

Please have a look:


If I don't hear any complaints, I'll merge this in the next couple of

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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    eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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