Andy Todd andy47 at halfcooked.com
Sun Jan 3 22:26:48 EST 2016

On 31/12/2015 1:31 AM, Dale Wheeler wrote:
> Hi-
> Can you help?
> I am trying to connect to SQL Anywhere (v9) with iPython Ananconda.
> I am on a Windows 7 PC and both Python and SQL are installed locally.
> Is this at all possible or do i need to upgrade my version of SQL?
> Many thanks
> Dale
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You need to install a Python module that allows you to talk to SQL 
Anywhere. A quick search shows this - 

I've not used SQL Anywhere so can't testify if this is the best solution.

As you are using Anaconda it *should* be fairly straightforward to 
install this Python module. Run the "Anaconda Command Prompt" from your 
start menu and just type

c:\> conda install sqlanydb

Then after you have installed the package start up a Python prompt and 
follow the instructions on the package page link I included above.

Good luck,
 From the desk of Andrew J Todd esq - http://www.halfcooked.com/
"It's still magic even if you know how it's done." - Terry Pratchett

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