[DB-SIG] adodbapi version 2.5.0 released

Vernon D. Cole vernondcole at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 21:30:09 CEST 2013

Because I need it for continued work on the django-mssql upgrade, I have
released adobapi in its current state (including the optional feature of
being able to auto-select between 'qmark' and 'named' paramstyles by
requesting a paramstyle of 'auto'.)

It continues to be fully dbapi 2.0 compliant.  All prospective dbapi 3
features are either defaulted 'off' or are proper extensions to the 2.0 api.

The remote and proxy/server modules are working fairly well.  Today, I
created and populated a 38,000 record SQL Server data table using the
django ORM running on my Ubuntu workstation.

Interested persons can get the package from PyPi or

Version 2.4.3 will continue to ship with pywin32 until it drops support for
Python 2.4.
The new version requires pywin32 and Python 2.5 or later, or IronPython
2.7.  Use of the remote and server functionality require Pyro4.  [Pywin32
is not require on Linux clients, of course.]
Vernon Cole
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