[DB-SIG] First suggestion for db-api 3.0

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed Sep 24 22:05:28 CEST 2008

On 2008-09-24 21:06, Bob Kline wrote:
> Vernon Cole wrote:
>> The column names are exactly what I asked for, but
>> the order is all wrong. If I asked for row[1] I will get the wrong
>> thing. If I could ask for row.displayName it would be correct.
> My first reaction when I read this was "surely the implementation of the
> API is not behaving correctly"; but then I looked at what the
> specification actually says, and indeed, there is no requirement that
> the order of the tuples in the description sequence match the order of
> the columns in the result set.  Regardless of the merits of Vernon's
> proposal (and I think his arguments have some validity), this seems like
> a hole in the specification which should be addressed.


Luckily implementors have done the right thing in the past 10 years
or so :-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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