[DB-SIG] paramstyles, again (and now voting)

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Thu Jun 21 16:14:28 CEST 2007

Carsten Haese wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 07:31 -0500, Carl Karsten wrote:
>> Carsten Haese wrote:
>>> The advantages are clear:
>>> * Application code written against this spec can be sure that named/qmark
>>> styles are available, and there is a common API for choosing which one to use.
>>> That means less API dependent code, and the overhead for choosing qmark or
>>> named is minimal at one line of code per connection.
>>> * APIs aren't forced to abandon "legacy" parameter styles so existing code
>>> written for existing APIs won't break.
>>> * No backwards compatibility wrapper is necessary.
>> I do not see the last 2 points as a clear advantage, given the cost.
> What cost? 

More code in the dbapi module.

More complex API.

More complex application code.

Application code that uses non portable paramstyles,

 > The one line of code per connection to explicitly choose
 > qmark or named style?

no.  in fact I don't think that line of code is in the backwards compatibility 
category.  backwards compatibility should use the dbapi v2 api, where paramstyle 
is read only.  I envision changing "import MySQLdb" to "import MySQLdb_v2 as 

> And since when is compatibility with existing code not an advantage?

I said "clear advantage" because you did, and I disagree with the clearness.

>>> You're welcome to try to come up with a simpler solution that has the same
>>> advantages.
>> I did before: "only allow one style of parameter."  But it got out voted, (or 
>> not even on the ballot) and so I won't push for it anymore.
>>   >>> numeric -1
>>   >>> format -5
>>   >>> pyformat -2
>> To me that reads "remove them."  0 would have been "tolerate them."
> Then you misunderstood the point of the vote. We voted on which
> paramstyle should be required, not which paramstyles should exist at
> all. We could have a separate vote on which parameter styles to
> deprecate, and I bet a lot of people would want to remove format and
> pyformat. 

"it" was voted on and "it" was not really well defined.  This is the closest 
thing I can find to what was voted on:

 >>>  * +1 on making support one param style mandatory for all
 >>> > >>    implementations
 >> > >
 >> > > Any one? Let's make named mandatory, then.
 > >
 > > I intentionally left this open  :-)
 > >
 > > We should have a vote on it. Let's gather votes for say two weeks
 > > and then see what the outcome is.

Given that, I think what was decided via the vote was "make named mandatory" but 
   I would not be surprised to see 5 posts saying "I thought I was voting on Xn"

Personally, even though I favor the counts (?/name positive, rest negative) I 
would like to see those votes discarded a more comprehensive, well defined round 
of voting.

 > However, there is a lot of MySQL and PostgreSQL code out there
> that would break if those styles were removed outright.

backwards compatibility wrapper.

Or just name the new module something new.  What is the down side to adding a 
dbapi version number to the module names?

>> However, I can see that if there was at least one parmstyle that was consistent 
>> across all APIs (like we are all in agreement on), no one in their right mind 
>> would use one of the non-standard ones.
> Indeed. The practical benefit comes from having common ground to stand
> on. There is no practical benefit in breaking backwards compatibility by
> forcing everybody onto this common ground.

"BUT I for one, strongly endorse forbidding whatever is not required
in the the way of parameter styles (or at the very least dropping any mention of 
any parameter style that is not required)" Art Protin

But his position may have changed, much like how strongly I feel about it.

Carl K

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