[DB-SIG] paramstyles, again (and now voting)

Carsten Haese carsten at uniqsys.com
Mon Jun 4 17:34:37 CEST 2007

On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 10:14 -0500, Carl Karsten wrote:
> Is there a wiki where I can start cataloging the cases for the various cases?

There is http://wiki.python.org/moin/

> I am sure I saw a good case for qmark, but I can't for the life of me remember 
> what it was.  I will eventually dig though the archives, but as long as I am 
> doing that I may as well list what I find.

I don't know if that qualifies as a good case for qmark, but qmark is
SQL standard.

> Also, I would like to add to the ballot:
> * support multiple styles
> * something about auto.
> * something about specifying the format
> I am currently against multiple, so someone who is for it will have to figure 
> out how to phrase those 2nd two. :)

In the interest of programmer freedom, module implementers should have
the option of allowing multiple styles. In the interest of ease of
implementation, this should be optional, not mandatory.

The exact same case can be made for auto-detection.

The case against format and pyformat goes like this: It looks too much
like string interpolation, which may lead to bad code, and it requires
percent signs in queries to be doubled up, which is an ugly wart. 


Carsten Haese

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