[DB-SIG] reg bind variable does not exist exception

Vasu dha victory_vasudha at yahoo.co.in
Mon Sep 11 10:53:09 CEST 2006

  when i execute the below code
      int length = userrole_prefix.length;
      System.out.println("**************start of query");
      qry = select s_2090_1_user.currval from dual;
      System.out.println("**************Query execution");
       userid = result.getString(1);
      System.out.println("User id:1:***********"+userid);
      qry = insert into ppsr_user_prop_mst (user_prop_mst_id,prop_id,userid) values(user_prop_mst_seq.nextval,?,?);
      for(int i=0;i<length;i++)
       System.out.println("The propositions are:"+userrole_prefix[i]);
       System.out.println("User id"+userid);
       pStmt = conn.getConnection().prepareStatement(qry);
       pStmt.setInt(1, Integer.parseInt(userrole_prefix[i]));
       pStmt.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(userid));
  i get bind variable does not exist exception.
  with the SOP given in the code block, the  System.out.println("**************start of query"); gets executed. The first query just gets the user-id and this user id is given as an input to another query that is inserted into another table.
  I have declared the connection, result set and all others in the beginning of the method. Its too big n hence not put up here.
  Please help in getting this fixed.
  Thanks & Regards,

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