[DB-SIG] pyodbc on osx?

Sam Clegg sam at superduper.net
Tue Aug 15 08:39:28 CEST 2006

On Mon, Aug 14, 2006 at 10:42:27AM -0700, Chris Clark wrote:
> Chris Curvey wrote:
> > I really like the pyodbc package for getting to MS-SQL on Windows.  
> > Has anyone been able to make this work with ODBC drivers on OSX?  (Or 
> > is there another open source solution that works?)
> I've not tried it personally, I get the impression pyodbc is Windows 
> focused at the moment, you might could try emailing Michael directly and 
> ask him. he is very approachable and good at responding to mail.
> Asking the obvious question first ;-)  I'm assuming that you don't have 
> a python driver for the database you need on OSX, hence the ODBC 
> requirement?
> One alternative is the Ingres DBI driver (GPL license), one of the less 
> well known features is that it is ODBC based. We've successfully built 
> with UnixODBC but this isn't the classic deployment option. Supporting 
> other ODBC drivers isn't a primary feature but is a stretch goal.

Indeed, I have a patched version of pyodbc (http://pyodbc.sourceforge.net)
that I build and run on linux (debian/unstable).  If your
interested I can send you my patch, its very small.  I'm also
planning on packaging pyodbc for debian so more people can start
using it with unixodbc.

sam clegg
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