William Dode wilk-ml at flibuste.net
Fri Oct 14 09:08:47 CEST 2005

On 13-10-2005, Erik Rose wrote:
>> I am among those who have submitted patches.  I get the idea (perhaps
>> unfounded) that the guys who made ADODBAPI now work for Micro$oft and
>> that their employer does not WANT them to maintain it.  A pity, if so.
> Hmm, Google doesn't show me any evidence of MS having assimilated  
> him. ;-) If it's the same Henrik Ekelund, he seems to be CEO of the  
> BTS Group in San Fran and a board member of several European  
> companies: http://www.prodapt.com/about_prodaptteam.htm . Maybe he's  
> just extremely busy. Regardless, he seems to have lost interest in  
> this project.
>>   Sourceforge seems have a policy for other volunteers taking over an
>> inactive project. I think it would be better to try that than to  
>> make a
>> new effort.  I am trying to contact the existing project administrator
>> by sending him a copy of this message. If there is continued  
>> silence, we
>> should try taking over this project, I would think.
>>   Comments or volunteers, anyone?
> I agree we should definitely get ahold of the Sourceforge project if  
> we can, but, in my ideal universe, I'd still go with a Trac setup and  
> just point the Sourceforge page to it. Trac has a much better UI than  
> Sourceforge provides, and Subversion is a significant improvement  
> over CVS (I'm a CVS refugee myself). I'm willing to host it for free  
> on my dedicated server, which would give us the most power and  
> flexibility. If that scares people, python-hosting.com offers the  
> same thing for free, at the price of a more restricted environment.  
> (Example: http://cherrytemplate.python-hosting.com/)

Don't you think that it's a little bit overkill for such a litle 
project ? What if tomorow we must change again ? it can be difficult to
find a trac hosting with svn...
I'm +1 to try everything to stay at sourceforge. If cvs is not enough
we can switch to bazaar-ng to never have problem about hosting and

Anyway i use adodbapi for a lot of professionals projects, i'm very
happy to see that i'm not alone :-)

William Dode - http://flibuste.net

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