[DB-SIG] a little trouble passing values to Oracle using bind variables

Guido van Rossum gvanrossum at gmail.com
Tue May 17 16:21:17 CEST 2005

Are you *sure* the 3rd variant doesn't work? I'd expect that to work.
'\r' should work just as well.

Which Oracle interface are you using?

On 5/17/05, Michael.Coll-Barth at verizonwireless.com
<Michael.Coll-Barth at verizonwireless.com> wrote:
> All,
> As the subject line says, I am having some trouble passing bind variables to
> Oracle.  When I pass a printable string value, such as 'NM', I get data.
> When I try to pass a non-printable character, such as 'return' - chr(13), I
> get no data back.  I can't simply make NactionCode = chr(13), as python
> would change the value of NactionCode to '\r' and Oracle sees this as a two
> byte character, and not chr(13).  I have looked into how Oracle might accept
> something like '\x00' for chr(0), but to no avail.
> Any thoughts?
> thanks,
> Michael
> def goGetIt( NactivityDt, NactionCode ):
>     dataQuery = '''select a, b, c
>                    from %s
>                    where activityDt      = :NactivityDt
>                      and actionCode      = :NactionCode
>                    order by %s
>                 ''' % ( schema.tableName )
>     dbm.cursor.execute(dataQuery, NactivityDt = activityDt, NactionCode =
> actionCode )
>     result = dbm.cursor.fetchall()
>     return result
> NactivityDt = '12-apr-2005'
> NactionCode = 'NM'
> act1 = goGetIt( NactivityDt, NactionCode )
> NactivityDt = '12-apr-2005'
> NactionCode = 'chr(13)'
> act2 = goGetIt( NactivityDt, NactionCode )
> NactivityDt = '12-apr-2005'
> NactionCode = chr(13)
> act3 = goGetIt( NactivityDt, NactionCode )

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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