[DB-SIG] pypg pure Python db driver for Postgresql

Randall Smith randall at tnr.cc
Tue Jul 12 15:15:27 CEST 2005

I see you are working with the PyGreSQL group and seem to have much more
experience than I do in database driver development so maybe I should be
helping you.  I'm interested in working with you on a pure Python driver.

The majority of the work I've done is on learning and implementing the
PG protocol.  I have not done much in the area of sockets, but it sounds
like you have.

Is there an existing project where this could be applied or does it
warrant its own project?  I have a few sourceforge projects going and
could start up a new one for this.


Thierry MICHEL wrote:
> Hi Randall,
> I'm the developer of the python postgresql db driver Popy and I'm also 
> working on a pure python driver for postgresql.
> I'm very interested in working w/ you on this driver (may be creating a 
> serious project somewhere).
> I worked on some ideas about worker agents for dealing with connections 
> (and sockets) so if I could help you let me know.
> Regards
> Randall Smith wrote:
>> I've been toying with the idea of pure Python database drivers such as 
>> Java jdbc type 4 drivers.
>> I replaced the C portion of PyGreSQL to form a Python driver I'm 
>> calling pypg.  You can download it from the location below.
>> http://www.tnr.cc/pypg.html
>> It's alpha so expect problems, but in my testing it works fine for 
>> normal operations.
>> It speaks PG v3 protocol directly and it was easier to get working 
>> than I expected.  I'm new to sockets and would really appreciate 
>> feedback on the networking portion of the code.
>> Many will probably ask me why not just use the existing drivers?   The 
>> same reasons pure Java drivers exist.  They're ultra portable and 
>> eliminate dependencies.  Ever used Oracle with Python?  It sucks 
>> having to install those dependencies, especially on Linux.  I use an 
>> application called Aqua Data Studio that ships with type 4 java 
>> drivers and that is very nice.  I too would like to be able to include 
>> db drivers with an app.  Another reason I'm doing it is because it is 
>> fun and educational.
>> I look forward to constructive criticism.
>> Randall
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