[DB-SIG] cx_Oracle packaging issue

Anthony Tuininga anthony at computronix.com
Wed Jan 26 23:05:43 CET 2005

I have received a number of e-mails about the fact that the Python 2.4 
builds on Windows were missing the rather vital file cx_Oracle.pyd. :-) 
Tracking it down resulted in the discovery of a distutils bug in Python 
2.4. I got around the problem (and logged a bug on SourceForge so it 
should get fixed properly later) and new files have been uploaded to 
SourceForge. As always, you can get at them directly from my web site:


My apologies for the packaging mishap.

Anthony Tuininga
anthony at computronix.com

Distinctive Software. Real People.
Suite 200, 10216 - 124 Street NW
Edmonton, AB, Canada  T5N 4A3
Phone:	(780) 454-3700
Fax:	(780) 454-3838

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