[DB-SIG] bigin with python

Nicolas Grilly nicolas.grilly at garden-paris.com
Fri Apr 29 19:00:27 CEST 2005

Like you, I use Python to build a client GUI accessing a database server.
I build the GUI with wxPython (www.wxpython.org). I use the ODBC driver
built-in in Active State's Python distribution
(www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePython). But this driver has some
serious limitations and it can be hard to find workarounds if you don't know
very well SQL databases and ODBC drivers. It's why you can also use mxODBC
(www.egenix.com/files/python/mxODBC.html). But you need to pay (a little) if
you are a business.
wxPython is packaged with an excellent documentation, an excellent web site
full of useful information, and a very simple but excellent tool to build
GUI (XRCed).
I recommend you break your code in three tiers/modules : a module to handle
data, a module to handle views (data aware widgets and dialogs - think to
use Validators) and a module for your application itself.
You can also build a true .exe for Windows if you need that (idem for Mac).
Nicolas Grilly
Garden - Conseil et Etudes CRM
Conquête, fidélisation, data mining, tableaux de bord, bases de données
Tel +33 1 45 72 48 78 - Fax +33 1 56 72 21 32 - Mob +33 6 03 00 25 34 -
<http://www.garden-paris.com/> www.garden-paris.com


De : db-sig-bounces at python.org [mailto:db-sig-bounces at python.org] De la part
de rijish valoorthodi rajan
Envoyé : vendredi 29 avril 2005 17:31
À : db-sig at python.org
Objet : [DB-SIG] bigin with python

i have been working on Visual studio, and now i want to try make my
application using PYTHON. I have to make a client-server application where a
data base application is to be run in the server and a VB like application
interface is to be run in the client. how should i approch the project if i
am to make the application using PYTHON ? 

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