[DB-SIG] db wrapper naming

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue Aug 31 10:25:04 CEST 2004

Ian Bicking wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Randall Smith wrote:
>>> Since our discussion here about a dbapi2 wrapper, Peter Hunt and I 
>>> have been working on it.  We have it mostly working with the ability 
>>> to work with Python datetime and mx.DateTime types and changeable 
>>> paramstyles. We have been discussing names and are leaning on dal, an 
>>> acronym for Database Abstraction Layer.  This package will have a 
>>> subpackage named dbapi that will contain all of our current work.  
>>> Future work outside of the dbapi wrapper scope will reside in other 
>>> packages within dal.
>>> I'm posting here to get opinions/suggestions about these naming 
>>> conventions so that we can identify any problems that may arise from 
>>> it.  We would appreciate your opinions and suggestions.
>> PyDBI ?
>> After all, what you're doing here is rather similar to what
>> the Perl folks did for their DBI interface.
> Why the "Py"?  Isn't it kind of implied?  I like dbi, though.  Maybe the 
> project name would be PyDBI, with the module name being dbi?

The name "dbi" is already taken (by DB API 1.0 which required
such a module, see e.g. the win32 odbc module).

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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