[DB-SIG] cx_Oracle cursor.executemanyprepared()

Bob Kimble rjkimble at alum.mit.edu
Fri Apr 30 13:17:56 EDT 2004

On Friday 30 April 2004 12:51 pm, Orr, Steve wrote:
> I don't see a test case on the executemanyprepared() function. Can
> someone give me some sample code to demonstrate how to use this?
> I need to develop a fast data insert routine for query result sets
> coming from the MySQLdb python module. I'm thinking about iterating
> through a MySQL result set (which is list of tuples), say 1,000 or
> 10,000 rows at a time, followed by mass inserts of those rows into
> Oracle committing every 1,000 or 10,000 rows.
> Other suggestions?

Another approach that I use frequently is to write a "bulk upload" file and 
then run the bulk upload command in the database. For PostgreSQL it's "COPY 
<table> FROM <file> ...." I know that Sybase and MS SQL Server have a similar 
command. Typically a tab separated format is suitable, and it's rather easy 
to generate. I suspect that Oracle has a similar capability. This technique 
gives you a copy of the data you're uploading, and the bulk upload commands 
are usually faster than doing an equivalent number of inserts. You can help 
matters by deactivating or dropping the indexes before the copy and then 
reactivating/restoring them afterward.


.... Bob Kimble

> TIA !!!
> Steve Orr
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