[DB-SIG] API suggestion: expose 'quote' method

M.-A. Lemburg mal at lemburg.com
Thu Jun 5 12:40:28 EDT 2003

Magnus Lyckå wrote:
> At 17:18 2003-06-04 -0700, Chris Cogdon wrote:
>> So, perhaps what I really should be asking for is to include a 
>> specification for an interface, such as what I've suggested before, 
>> but make that a OPTIONAL part of the specification. Ie, if it's easy 
>> enough to expose, then the driver writers should expose it in the 
>> standard form.
>> Does THAT sound reasonable ?
> Certainly. Many drivers implement things beyond the mandatory
> standard, and if it's possible to get the extras compatible
> across drivers, that's a big bonus in my opinion.

No objection to adding a note to the spec about this. I still
think that you have to flesh out a reasonable API for this,
though, e.g. quoting should implemented on a per data type
basis rather than on a per SQL statement basis.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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