[DB-SIG] mySQL vs Matisse vs PostgreSQL ???

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Wed Jul 2 20:35:52 EDT 2003

If you are looking for an embedded database, you should really look at
SQLite.  But other's have already said that.  I certainly wouldn't
suggest Gadfly, which I don't believe is being actively maintained.

There are several Python ORM's (mapping tables to Python objects).  See

My own, SQLObject, supports SQLite.  I can't say much about a C++ API,
though -- I don't believe any of them have that.  Besides db_row, I
think they are all pure Python, and any C++ access would have to be the
same way you access any Python object.

The advantage, though, would be that your less agile code (written in
C++) wouldn't be strongly tied to the persistence mechanism, making
future concurrency or networkability easier to achieve.

On Wed, 2003-07-02 at 13:35, quadric at primenet.com wrote:
> Hi ,
> I have an application that embeds both Python and mySQL.  I chose mySQL for 
> a variety of
> reasons not least of which were reputation ( good as far as I can tell ) 
> and cost.
> However, I have not gotten so far down the path that a database change 
> would be impractical.
> I need to use the database both from within the app (written in C++) and 
> from within Python
> scripts that the app runs.  I would like to avoid a bunch of Python object 
> to table mapping
> code if possible and found that Matisse ( www.matisse.com ) appears to have 
> achieved that
> goal quite handily.  It has both a C++ and Python API.
> Although I have experience in C++/Python/RDBMS's, I'm new to mySQL and know 
> nothing
> about Matisse other than what can be downloaded in their 30-day trial 
> Developer Kit.
> The licensing can be quite expensive (depending on number of final users) 
> and I didn't ask about source
> but I don't think it is available for the DB engine or Python extension.
> Does anybody have any info about or experience with Matisse?
> Any comparisons between Matisse / mySQL / PostgreSQL  that would be helpful?
> The thought of true Python object persistence with accessibility from C++ 
> without
> a bunch of intermediate object=>table mapping is quite appealing.
> I've read a little on the gadfly module but it doesn't appear that direct 
> access from C++ code is an
> option.  Correct?
> BTW: The app is developed under and runs on Windows.  [ No flame please :-) ]
> Thanks for your input.
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