[DB-SIG] DB API 2.0 Anal Compliance Unit Test for review

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Sat, 15 Feb 2003 09:34:23 +0100

Stuart Bishop wrote:
>> * the test for exceptions should also check the class
>>   structure
> If you mean 'make sure driver.NotImplementError is a subclass of
> driver.Error', I've fixed this.


>> * Another would be to check whether .fetchxxx() methods return
>>   .rowcount number of rows in total.
> Done. Which made me notice something that needs clarification in the spec.
> The docs for .rowcount should state 'Unless the driver promises otherwise,
> it should never be assumed that the value of .rowcount is correct until
> all results have been fetched'. This currently is only inferred through
> footnote 7.

Hmm, if the driver cannot guarantee that .rowcount has valid
value it should pass back -1. Fetching all the results to make
sure that .rowcount becomes valid would defy its purpose.

> I've uploaded a new version to 
> http://stuartbishop.net/Software/DBAPI20TestSuite/

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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