[DB-SIG] WHat's the status of DB modules and datetime.py support?

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Tue Dec 30 17:08:27 EST 2003

> > I guess 2.3 hasn't been out long enough to get the various db api
> > authors to make the switch.  Perhaps a DB-API standard update should
> > be issued (e.g. DB-API 2.1) that requires using this for Python 2.3?
> No, that would not be in the spirit of the DB-API standard.

Why is standardizing on one universally available type not in the
DB-API's spirit?  Does the DB-API allow implementers to use
non-standard integer or string types?

> The spec already includes a reference the datetime module,
> but in its current state it's not too useful for C extensions:
> 	http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0249.html

That's a useful criticism.  How can this be addressed?  I don't know
enough about implementing a database adapter to understand the needs
from a C extension's perspective.  Is it just the need to create a
datetime instance from C code efficiently?  Can you point me to the
docs for the mxDateTime C-level API?

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)

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