[DB-SIG] Experiences with DB-API2.0

Horst Herb subscriptions@gnumed.net
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 21:49:12 +1000

We wanted to make our project independend of database backends, or at least 
of database adapters as it is supposed to be truly multi platform and most 
adapters aren't.

We thought DB-API was a great idea. That is, until we tried....:

1.) Connection strings incompatible between the 3 "most popular" Postgres 
adatpters - easy enough to fix, just a few "if....then..else"
However, becomes tedious if you have hundreds of connections :-((

2.) Returned date formats incompatible despite all of them using mxDateTime

3.) Frustrated, we gave up further tests for now.

Are we doing something wrong or are the specifications that ambiguous that 
not even these simple issues can remain compatible?
Am I rightfully disappointed or are changes already on the way?
