[DB-SIG] Which db mapping tool?

Federico Di Gregorio fog@initd.org
16 Jul 2002 11:15:40 +0200

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Il mar, 2002-07-16 alle 11:04, Gerhard H=E4ring ha scritto:
> * David Warnock <david@sundayta.com> [2002-07-16 09:49 +0100]:
> > Hi,
> >=20
> > I have been using Python a little for a while, finding it very useful=20
> > for text file processing. Now I would like to start using it for=20
> > applications where I normally use Java (GUI and Web Apps).
> >=20
> > I am looking for a OR mapping layer so that
> >=20
> > a) I can "normally" avoid writing SQL by hand
> > b) I can move easily between different dbms
> >=20
> > I have seen the following so far
> > 	MiddleKit (Webware)
> I've been trying to add PostgreSQL support to MiddleKit, but didn't
> finish it. The main problem is that MiddleKit requires something like
> last_insert_id being available, which isn't the case in PostgreSQL. I

as i already said on the webware ML, psycopg (and other adapters too, i
think) supports .lastrowid(), exactly what you need.

Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact        fog@debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog@initd.org
  Debian. The best software from the best people [see above]
                                      -- brought to you by One Line Spam

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