[DB-SIG] format vs pyformat

Keating, Tim TKeating@origin.ea.com
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 16:23:55 -0500

Am I missing something? Aren't you constructing a string and passing it in
either way? Why would the database adapter care how it was formatted?

In any case, dictionary-based formatting isn't nearly as ugly if you already
have the data in a dictionary and don't have to construct an anonymous one
to pass to the format operator. This might seem like a pain, but I suggest
you look at the vars() built-in function and consider the possibilities . .

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Cogdon [mailto:chris@cogdon.org] 
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 4:15 PM
To: db-sig@python.org
Subject: [DB-SIG] format vs pyformat

In all my database coding to date, I've been using the 'format' parameter 
passing protocol to get my stuff into the database query. However, I keep 
reading and hearing that 'pyformat' is by far superior. However, whenever 
I've 'given it a go', it's always seemed far clunkier to me.

For example, for pyformat to work, all your variables have to be in a 
dictionary already. Yes, this can be reasonably easy to set up. Viz:

cur.execute ( "select * from people where name ilike %(name)s and 
	{ 'name':criteria.name, 'age':criteria.age } )

But I still find it much easier to use the positional parameters. Viz:

cur.execute ( "select * from people where name ilike %s and age > %s",
	criteria.name, criteria.age )

The above is a simple example... the disparity between the two protocols 
becomes greater with greater complexity. I understand it's possible to pass
dictionary from a pre-existing namespace. Viz:

cur.execute ( "select * from people where name ilike %(name)s and 
	criteria.__dict__ )

But this assumes that the values to be passed are already pre-calculated, or

you'll need to find 'temporary' space for them so you can throw them into
dictionary. pyformat also allows reuse of parameters, but I've seen this
too seldom to make it a big plus.

To me, 'format' parameter passing still seems a lot easier to use, but
quite a few DB connectors that support 'pyformat' over 'format': For
PoPy only supports pyformat, while pyPgSQL supports both format and

Am I completely missing some 'neat trick' here that would make pyformat 
magically easy? 

What are other people's views on the ease of using the two formats ?

Thanks in advance.

   ("`-/")_.-'"``-._        Chris Cogdon <chris@cogdon.org>
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DB-SIG maillist  -  DB-SIG@python.org